Welcome to our psychology teachers' section!
Find out how this website can support psychology teachers and their students. Try our downloadable resources, classroom activities, dedicated psychology teachers discussion forum and discover how to visit Britain's largest brain exhibition.
Curriculum links |
Cognitive experiment |
Brain benders |
Find out how this website links to the psychology GCSE - A level curricula. |
Download this page for your students to build their own amazing ambiguous cubes. |
Can you solve these puzzles and riddles? |
Stress test |
Interactive illusion |
Psychology trail |
Do you know what stress does to your brain and body? Try this quiz to find out. |
Print this illusion and try these intriguing experiments with your class. |
Try our trail to help you plan your visit to the At-Bristol psychology exhibition. |
Brains in schools |
Careers and the brain |
Events page |
Should neuroscience be taught in schools? Vote here and see what other people said. |
Find information on careers and training in neuroscience, psychology and supporting roles. |
Find out about up and coming brain events in At-Bristol and around the region. |
Psychology digest |
Psychology together |
PsYonline |
Receive a free fortnightly digest from the British Psychology Society. |
Try this innovative learning website for psychology teachers and students. |
An A-Level psychology web resource for students and teachers (AQA A) |